Change or reset your password

You can change your password for security reasons or reset it if you forget it. Your Google Account password is used to access many Google products, like Gmail and YouTube.

Change your password

  1. Sign in to My Account.
  2. Under "Sign-in & security," select Signing in to Google.
  3. Choose Password. If you see a prompt to sign in again, sign in. 
  4. Enter your new password, then select Change Password.

Reset your password

  1. Follow the steps to recover your account. You'll be asked some questions to confirm it's your account and an email will be sent to you.  If you don’t get an email:
  2. Choose a password that you haven't already used with this account. Learn how to create a strong password.

Fix problems with your password

If you're having trouble resetting your password or can’t sign in to your account, get more help.


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